Kyuubi - Naruto

Tuesday 11 April 2017


Ohayou min'na ,...
Today I want to share about my favorites birds species. I choose owl species as my favorite.

Owl Species Overview

Too many people lump owls into one category but there are actually several different species of them. They vary in size & color even though the overall anatomy of them is very similar. In fact, there are more than 20 known species of owls and some experts believe that they will be able to eventually find even more of them. Here is some information about a few of them to get your started with your own research.
The Great Horned Owl is one that most people are familiar with. In fact, it is the most common owl in all of North & South America. They are well known out there due to the fact that they have been able to easily adapt to a variety of different changing environments. Yet they are also the ones that are the most difficult to see.
The Great Horned Owl is able to find great hiding places during the day. They blend in so very well to the surroundings that it is hard to identify them. Yet at night their mighty calls can be heard for quite a distance. This is how most people know that they have such species of owls living around them.
One species that people find interesting to look at is the Long Eared Owl. It was first identified in 1758 & has held the fascination of common people & researchers alike every since. They have ears that are three times longer than most species and that gets them attention. These ears stand erect too so that they can use them to pick up noise all around them.

1. Barn Owl

The Barn Owl (Tyto alba) is a medium-sized owl & is of 4 species with dark eyes. This owl has light gray on its upper body with reddish brown & puffs of white feathers. It has gray spotting on its wings & head. The underside is very white.  It has a very distinctly heart-shaped facial disc that is sharply outlined with reddish brown. Its beak is off-white & the feet are yellowish white with brown. Females often have more spots than males.
This owl is nocturnal & preys upon small mammals like voles, gophers, shrews, mice, rats & also bats, frogs & insects. They use a combination of sight & hearing to detect their prey. Their hearing is better than their sight & have the sharpest hearing out of any animal tested. They have asymmetrical (not evenly placed) ear openings, the left one being higher than the right one. This allows their ears to be more sensitive to sounds from different directions. They often hunt in open grasslands. The Barn Owl is found on all continents besides Antarctica, including the entirety of Australia. It resides in areas of open woodland, heaths & moors. They are also found in open farmland.
These owls participate in a rising & falling courtship flight that is performed by the male. The male will hover in front of the female & show her potential nesting sites and offering her food. They nest in scattered buildings, caves & tree hollows, where the females will lay 3-6 eggs. The majority of individuals of this species of owl only live between 1-2 years of age.

2. Long-Eared Owl

The Long-Eared Owl (Asio otus) is a medium sized owl with brown & yellowish brown plumage. It has spots, patches & bars of color over the majority of its body. It doesn’t have long ears, but rather long tufts of feathers called ear tufts that resemble ears. It has a black bill and heavily feathered legs & feet. The facial disc is reddish brown to yellowish brown in color. Females are often darker in color than males. Its feather assemblage allows it to have noiseless flight & maneuver easily within densely covered forests.
This owl is nocturnal and is active mostly at dusk. It is found in Europe, Asia & North America where it hunts mammals, including voles, deer mice, kangaroo rats, squirrels, bats, chipmunks, gophers, shrews & many others. When perched, it often disguises itself to look like a tree branch by spreading its wings and body. It resides in the woodlands, the edges of forests and riparian zones, among others. In the winter they roost in more densely covered areas such as a thicket or in caves & are often found roosting communally.
Nesting sites are chosen during courtship behaviors. The male owl will perform display flights around potential nests & then wait for a female to then show her interest in a particular nest by hopping around it. Often nest sites are found in old crow or hawk nests made of sticks that are well-covered by dense forest & at least 15-30 feet off of the ground. From mid March to May, an average of 4-5 eggs are laid. Females aggressively guard their nests. Long-Eared owls can live for up to 10 years. Threats include threats by humans and death by road kill. Natural enemies include raccoons invading nests for eggs & young owl babies. Great Horned Owls & Barred Owls can also become threats to this owl.

3. Barred Owl

The Barred owl (Strix varia) is one of 4 species with dark eyes and is also known as the Hoot owl. It gray-brown in color and is medium in size. The chest is patterned with horizontal white bars and vertical bars on the belly. They are of the typical owl family, exhibiting round facial discs that are white to brown in color with dark brown edging. Males and females exhibit the same coloring.
This owl is nocturnal. It perches on a tree branch or something similar while it watches for prey. Their prey is wide-reaching, and includes mammals like meadow voles, shrews, deer mice, rats, bats and squirrels, birds, insects like grasshoppers and crickets and also fish, frogs and snakes. It is an opportunistic feeder and is sometimes seen feeding hunting just before dark.
Nesting sites often include cavities in trees and abandoned nests from hawks, squirrels and crows. It is highly vocal, and often can be heard calling during the day and night. They have a courtship call different than their usual call. Courting begins in February, and they breed from March to August. Courting is begun when a male hoots out and a female responds back. Males display to the female, in a behavior that includes raising and opening the wings and moving back and forth on a branch. Females usually lay 2-4 white, round eggs every 2 to 3 days. The male brings food to the female during this time.
It is found in the majority of North America, and a large part of the southern territory of Canada in deep, moist forests, wooded swamps and woodlands that are in close proximity to water sources. Anthropogenic threats to this owl include shootings and roadkill and natural threats include the aggressive Great Horned owl. They are currently expanding to further western habitats. This expansion raises concern regarding competition for resources with the endangered Spotted Owl.

4. Northern Hawk Owl

The Northern Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula) is medium in size, with an off-white colored facial disc with black rim on the edges and white eyebrows. Their bodies are dark grey to grayish brown with white spots on the head. They have what appear to be false eyes on the back of their heads and they have white to off-white spots on their dark grey backs. Their shoulders exhibit a white banding pattern. They have a very long tail, which helps them maneuver around the forests in which they hunt.
This owl is diurnal and is often found perching on treetops or posts that are uncovered.
The female often selects the nesting site, which is often cavities in tree trunks, abandoned woodpecker holes, and sometimes will use nests made of sticks from other birds. The female lays eggs in April and May. Usually between 5 and 13 eggs are laid and incubated by the female.
This owl inhabits Eurasia in Norway, Sweden and Finland, throughout Siberia extending east to North China. They also inhabit Central Asia and North America from eastern Alaska and in most of Canada. They live within boreal coniferous forests in lowlands (the area at the base of the mountain that is often lower in elevation) or mountains. They hunt mainly small mammals like voles, and also frogs and fish and sometimes fast-flying songbirds.

5. Burrowing Owl

The Burrowing owl (Speotyto cunicularia)is a small owl that is of the typical owl family. It has a round, light brown facial disc. Its head, back and upper wings are light brown and the breast and belly are off-white or cream colored and often have darker barring. They have a distinct white stripe outlining their chins. Males are often lighter in color than the females. This owl sometimes preens its parents or preens its nest mates.
This owl is active in the daylight, usually at dusk and dawn. It can often be found perched standing on one foot on a mound of dirt or on a fence post where it watches for prey. Their prey includes beetles and grasshoppers, small mammals like mice, rats, rabbits, and squirrels, reptiles, birds and amphibians. It nests underground in abandoned burrows of mammals in open, dry grasslands, desert habitats that have burrowing animals and agricultural lands. In March or April they will lay between 6 and 9 eggs, incubated by the female. The male will take care of nestlings later on in development.
These owls are found in the western United States in all states west of the Mississippi Valley, in Florida, Mexico, Central America and largely in South America. Their breeding location is western United States, their permanent locations are in Mexico, Central America and South America , and their wintering location is east of Texas into Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. They are ground-dwelling birds, so their nests are at risk of invasion from outside predators. This species of owl is slowly declining from the prairies, and is listed as endangered and threatened. Their predators include domestic cats and dogs, larger owls, hawks, skunks, ferrets, armadillos and snakes. Sometimes, while foraging across roads they are killed by vehicles. Population declines of this species are recently due to habitat loss and alteration and pesticides used on agricultural land.

6. Northern Saw-Whet Owl

The Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) is a small owl with a short tail and a very large head. There are no ear tufts, and they have very large, yellow eyes. Their facial disc has a lot of white around the eyes with brown, grey and whitish streaks on the edge. The majority of the head is brown to grey brown. They have white streaking on their foreheads. Their bodies are covered in fluffy, brown or red- brown feathers with spots on their backs. They have streaks of white on their undercarriage. Their legs and feet are heavily feathered.
They are found permanently on the western part of the United States and in some of Mexico and the southern portion of Canada, including Ontario, Southern Quebec, northern New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia. They migrate south for the winter to areas of central and eastern United States, including the Atlantic coastline and the Ohio River Valley. They reside in coniferous and deciduous forests. These areas often have shrubs or new-growth thickets in which the owls like to make their nests. Nest sites include abandoned woodpecker cavities in trees. They often breed in swampy areas and Riparian zones where the female will lay between 3-7 eggs at a time and fully incubate the eggs. The breeding season is from March to April. The Northern Saw-Whet Owl is highly migratory, and thus does not always stay with the same mate from season to season.
The Saw-whet owl hunts at dusk and dawn and preys upon smaller mammals, including mice, shrews, voles, squirrels, bats, and sometimes birds, insects and frogs. Interestingly, when mice are plentiful, the Saw-Whet Owl may kill many at a time and bring them back to a tree cavity or other safe place to leave through the winter, preserved in the snow, until spring when they will eat them.  Threats to these owls often include predation by larger owls and hawks and competition with owls and squirrels for nest space.

7. Eurasian Eagle Owl

The Eurasian Eagle owl (Bubo bubo) is the heaviest owl in the world. Females of this species can reach greater than or equal to 9.25 pounds, which is twice the weight of an adult female snowy owl, the heaviest owl in North America. The feathers on the upper portion of the owl are brown to black and yellowish brown. The back and sides of the neck exhibit a striping pattern, while the head and forehead have heavy freckling. The plumage on the back has dark patches. The outer portion of the facial disc appears framed with black-brown spotting. The tail is dark with blackish brown barring. The assemblage of the feathers allows this owl to have noiseless flight
This owl is found in North Africa, Europe, Asia and the Middle East in many different habitats. It often lives in coniferous forests and deserts and including coniferous forests and deserts, and preferably landscapes with many rocks and open spaces. They nest on cliff edges, in cracks between rocks and in caves. They are resourceful in that they may use nests previously occupied by other birds their size. In late winter the female lays 1-4 white eggs, and while incubating, the female is brought food by her mate
They hunt during dusk and dawn, where it preys upon voles and rates, beetles, deer fawns, rabbits, birds and mice. Occasionally other smaller owls may also be a part of their diet, as well as snakes and fish.

8. Short Eared-Owl

The Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) is a medium-sized owl. It has brown feathers covering its body and dark lines on its chest, belly and back. Females have darker colored plumage than males. This color pattern is to blend in to its surroundings. When camouflaging itself does not work, it fakes death in order to avoid being eaten.
The Short-Eared owl is found in Iceland, the Galapagos Islands, North and South America and is the only owl native to the archipelago of Hawaii. It is often found in open grasslands, prairies, estuaries, agricultural fields, marshes, and the tundra of the alpine and Arctic. This owl is a migratory bird, moving through high mountainous areas.
This owl hunts at night and dusk and dawn. Its primary source of prey is small mammals, including voles, mice, shrews, moles, rabbits and muskrats. When hunting along coastal areas, this owl hunts shorebirds and seabirds. Sometimes they feed on insects like grasshoppers and caterpillars. It carries its prey back to the nest in its talons, whereas the majority of other owls either eats the food on the spot, or carries their prey back to the nest in their mouths.
Females often lay between 4-14 eggs, depending on their geographic location (northern locations lay higher numbers of eggs, and southern locations lay fewer eggs). Threats to this owl include predation by Bald Eagles, Red-Tailed Hawks and the Snowy Owl. Skunks, dogs, foxes, coyotes, crows and ravens often invade ground-laying nests and eat the eggs. This high predation rate leads to decreases in population size. Human-induced pressures include collisions with planes on the landing strip of the airport, and vehicles on the road.

9. Elf Owl

The Elf Owl (Micrathene whitneyi) is a very small owl with a very round head and no ear tufts. Its plumage is light gray and brown. The face often has a reddish brown facial disc with white eyebrows and gray spots on the forehead and wings. The belly is lighter grey to white and the tail is very short and striped. The wings are long, extending to the base of the tail feathers when resting. The feet and talons are covered in feathers and are very small and weak.
This owl nests in woodpecker cavities in cacti and deciduous trees. Often times the woodpecker cavities are not abandoned, thus raising competition between the owl and woodpecker. They lay 1-5 white eggs in April or May. During incubation the female may go off to hunt at dusk while the male incubates the eggs.
The Elf owl is found in Southwest USA to Central Mexico and Baja California. It inhabits arid deserts with many cacti, riparian woodlands, tablelands, woody habitats, canyons, plateaus, mountain slopes and deserts with a high occurrence of giant saguaro cacti. It is a nocturnal bird with bat-like flight that predates upon small, weak prey like insects, grasshoppers, caterpillars, cicadas and scorpions. Their diet consists mostly of insects either that are resting on tree branches or on the ground. They forage for insects from the ground. Once they have caught the insect, they bring it back to a tree branch where they tear it apart to eat it. Predators include large mammals that can reach the cavities of the trees.

10. Snowy Owl

The Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) is a large owl with a rounded head that is of the typical owl family. They have very white feathers and black spots or bars lining their wings, back and belly, with the females showing the most marking, and males sometimes showing no marking.
The Snowy owl is the heaviest owl in North America, and has the second largest wing area among North American owls. Their beak can reach up to 2 inches long, and their legs and feet are heavily feathered. The Snowy owl lives in the Arctic tundra on rises, low-valley floors and mountain slopes and plateaus high in elevation. They also live on open grasslands or agricultural areas. They are found in North America, reaching from the northern limits of the United States and throughout the entirety of Canada and also in Siberia during the winter, and they permanently reside even further north, reaching into the Arctic regions.
This owl predates upon larger mammals, including snowshoe hares which they may swallow whole after breaking the neck, fish, lemmings and voles. They are opportunistic in their feeding and will also eat smaller mammals like mice, squirrels and prairie dogs. They often learn to enter animal traps and eat the trapped animal and the bait from the trap.

11. Great Gray Owl

The Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa) is characteristic of having a puffy head, yellow eyes, and a circular facial discs. It is one of the largest owls in the world and has an extremely long tail. The plumage of this owl is very fluffy and thickly feathered with gray or brown. The face has a white mustache under the facial disc. The feet are completely covered by feathers. The Great Grey Owl is the provincial bird of Manitoba, Canada.
This owl is found in Alaska and across Canada, in the Northern Rocky Mountains, Minnesota, northern Europe and Asia. They live in forested areas like coniferous and spruce forests. They often breed in conifer and red fir forests in the Sierra Nevada. They usually hunt and forage in the late morning and late afternoon in swamps, bogs and areas with scattered trees and shrubs. This species of owl migrates to estuaries, and mountain meadows, among others where it can hunt smaller mammals like mice, voles, chipmunks, and others.
They nest in forests in nests made of sticks that were once occupied by hawks, ravens or crows, and sometimes on mistletoe shrubs. They line their nests with needles from trees, deer hair, moss and bark. They lay 2-5 eggs. While eggs are incubating, the male brings food to the female. They are aggressive over their nests. They can live up to 40 years of age. Threats include starvation, predation by Great Horned owls and sometimes wolverines and human-induced death, including shooting, road kill and electrocutions by wires.

12. Spectacled Owl

Spectacled owls (Pulsatrix perspicillata)are distinctly colored medium-sized owls with dark brown bodies and very white to yellow-ochre colored bellies. They have a white line outlining their chins. Their name comes from the white color surrounding their eyes that resembles eyeglasses, or “spectacles”. Spectacled owl babies have markings that reflect he exact opposite of their parents, with white bodies and dark faces.
This owl is nocturnal and can be seen being active after dusk until dawn. It preys upon small mammals like mice, possums, skunks, insects, birds and frogs, among others. They are found in Mexico, Central America, and South America in dense tropical rainforests, dry forests, savannahs with trees, plantations and open areas with few trees. They lay 1-2 eggs in nests in tree hollows. This owl is not generally a commonly found owl, but is more commonly seen in areas like Costa Rica and the Amazon. A major threat to this owl is habitat loss and forest fragmentation.

13. Great Horned Owl

The Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)is a large owl that can be reddish brown, grey or black and white in color. Females are often larger than males. The facial disc is slightly orange. Its breast has a band of white feathers closer to the face, and its underside is grey with distinctive dark grey barring. The “horns” referred to in its name are only tufts of feathers, that are neither horns nor ears. This owl has a curved upper beak that can reach 1.5 inches long in adults. They have a really long neck, even though it appears that the neck is only short. They have huge, thick, heavy feet with big talons that can reach up to 1.5 inches long that are completely covered in feathers. The tips of the Great Horned Owl’s wings have a separation of feathers, called slots. These slots help with lift and maneuverability when moving through forests to hunt.
This owl is found throughout North America and in Central and South America in dense forests, deserts and plains, and even city parks. Some may migrate from northern ranges to the southern ranges of North America. This owl is known to become aggressive when threatened. They begin nesting in January or February in the old nest of a crow or hawk, and sometimes a hollow tree. They lay 2-4 eggs that the female incubate and are protective of their young to the point of attack.
The Great Horned owl usually begins hunting at dusk, where it can find voles, mice, rabbits, skunks, house cats, insects, small birds, pheasants and grouse as prey. In Canada, the Great Horned owl often predates on the snowshoe hare, which can reach approximately 3 pounds in weight!

14. Spotted Owl

The Spotted owl (Strix occidentalis) is one of 4 species of owls with dark eyes. The owl’s plumage is soft and fluffy and brown with heavy white spotting on the breast and belly. The wings, back and head have less spots than on the body. Their facial discs are light brown and have dark brown rings. They have lighter colored eyebrows and bills and feathered legs and talons.
This owl is found in North America in the western portions of California, Washington and Oregon, in Alaska, British Columbia, and also in southern Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico in the Rocky Mountain region. It is also found in parts of Mexico. It nests in dense, dark, mature coniferous forests. They like to live in areas along river valleys with steep walls and live in forests that have either a lot of fir trees or hardwood trees like Douglas firs or sycamores. This owl mates for life, and does not breed every year. It breeds from March to September where it will lay 2-3 eggs.
Threats to this owl include competition for habitat with the Barred owl, Great Horned owls that prey on adults and young, red-tailed hawks and ravens. Since their habitat is largely old-growth coniferous forests, it has been listed as endangered because of the forestry industry that relies on such forests. This species of owl is important in the Haida cultures of Alaska and British Colombia. The owl can be seen carved into their totem poles.

15. Western Screech Owl

The Western Screech owl (Megascops kennicottii) is a small owl with fluffy, gray or reddish brown plumage that often camouflages the owl when resting in a tree. Their facial discs are gray or reddish brown with black outlining. There are two different phases of adults. The first is the gray phase. Owls that have the gray-phase coloring are very light gray in color if found in the southwest, and will be darker in color and browner if living in the northwest. The facial discs of these owls are off-white with gray-brown. They have vertical stripes, bars and spots on their belly and under their wings, and have barring ont heir wings and tail. The second phase is the red phase, which is a rare bird to spot. It is darker and is more reddish brown or cinnamon in color than gray. He red-phase adult has spotting on its breast.
This owl is nocturnal, and is seen feeding in the woodlands of western North America, specifically in the Pacific northwest and dry southwest. Its distribution ranges from southeastern Alaska, southern British Columbia, western United States and south through Baja California and parts of Mexico. It lives in red cedar, hemlock and Douglas fir forests, and also Sitka spruce forests near bodies of water and riparian woodlands. It prays upon small rodents and deer mice, insects, small birds, shrews, kangaroo rats and others in open woodlands where open fields or wetlands are plentiful. This owl nests in tree cavities found naturally in deciduous trees like oaks, maples and will use abandoned Pileated Woodpecker cavities as well. During mating season, the owls will call to each other and are often see preening each other’s heads and beaks. The female will lay between 3-4 eggs.
Threats to this owl include Great Horned owls, Barred owls, Long-Eared owls, raccoons, squirrels and snakes, among others. Due to their preferred habitat locations around riparian areas, much of their habitat is being threatened by tree removal. They are adaptable in that they can live in city parks if necessary.

Tuesday 4 April 2017


  • A web site that offers variety of Internet services from single convenient location. 
  • Search engine, news, web publishing 
  • Popular portals - Yahoo!, MSN, iGoogle

  • A specific type of online social network that enables members to share media such as photos, music & videos. 
  • Example - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

  • A web site contains content that promotes or sells products or services. 
  • Example -, Shopee

  • A type of collaborative web site that allows users to create, add to, modify, or delete the web site content via a browser. 
  • Example - Wikipedia

  • A informal web site consisting of time-stamped articles or posts in a diary or journal format,  usually listed in reverse chronological order. 
  • Example - Twitter, Blogger 

Tuesday 14 March 2017


  • E-mail (short for electronic mail) is the transmission of messages & files via a computer network. E-mail was one of the original services on the internet, enabling scientists & researchers working on government-sponsored projects to communicate with colleagues at other locations.
  • You can use an e-mail program to create, send, receive, forward, store, print & delete email messages. E-mail programs are available as desktop apps, web apps & mobile apps. An e-mail message can be simple text or can include an attachment such as a document, a graphic, an audio clip or a video clip.
  • Just as you address a letter when using the portal system, you address an email message with the email address of your intended recipient. Likewise, when someone sends you a message, he or she must have your e-mail address.
  • An e-mail address is a combination of a user name & a domain name that identifies a user so that he or she can receive Internet e-mail. A user name is a unique combination of characters such as letters of the alphabet &/or numbers, that identifies a specific user. Your user name must be different from the other user names in the same domain.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
  • Definition : Internet standard that permits file uploading and downloading with other computers on the Internet.
  • A standard for the exchange of program & data files across a network.
  • Uploading is the process of transferring files from your computer or mobile device to a server on the internet.
  • Downloading is the process of transferring files from a server on the internet to your computer or mobile device.
  • Example: FileZilla, AbleFTP, SmartFTP

WWW (World Wide Web)

  • While the Internet was developed in the late 1960's, the World Wide Web emerged in the early 1990's as an easier way to access online information using a browser. Since then, it has grown phenomenally to become one of the more widely used services on the Internet.
  • The World Wide Web (www) or web, consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents. Each electronic document on the web is called a webpage, which can contain text, graphic, animation, audio & video.

Instant Messaging

  • Internet messaging services, which often occur in real-time, are communications services that notify you when one or more of your established contacts are online & then allows you to exchange messages or files or join a private chat room with them.
  • Real time means that you and the people with whom you are conversing are online at the same time. Some Internet messaging services support voice & video conversations, allow you to send photos or other documents to a recipient, listen to streaming music & play games with another online contact.
  • For real-time Internet messaging to work, both parties must be online at the same time. Also, the receiver of a message must be willing to accept messages. To use an Internet messaging service, you may have to install messenger software or an app on the computer or mobile device, such as a smartphone, you plan to use.

 Message Board
  • Definition : An online area in which users have written discussions about a particular subject.
  • Also called as discussion forum.
  • Type of discussion group.
  • Not real-time.
  •  To participate in a discussion, a user posts a message, called an article, to the newsgroup & other users in the newsgroup read and reply to the message.
  • A thread or threaded discussion, consists of the original article and all subsequent related replies.
  • Some discussion forums require that you enter a user name & password to participate in the discussion.

VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol)
  • Definition : Conversation that takes place over the Internet using a telephone connected to a computer, mobile device or other device.
  • Also called Internet telephony.
  • Enables users to speak to other users via Internet connection.
  • To connect a calling party to one or more local or long distance called parties.
  • Example: Skype, WeChat, Kakao Talk

Tuesday 7 March 2017



The Kawasaki Ninja H2™R hypersport motorcycle is an engineering marvel made possible only through the sourcing of technological expertise from multiple divisions of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. (KHI). The result of this unprecedented collaboration is a system of carefully crafted premium components & World Superbike racing inspired next-level electronics that work in concert to create an unbelievably powerful machine—one that’s more than worthy of the legendary H2 name.


​The unprecedented power output of the supercharged Ninja H2R motorcycle is made possible only through a system of finely-tuned & carefully crafted high-quality components.

  1. Chosen for its high-rpm performance, the centrifugal-type supercharger is incredibly efficient at compressing air (at up to 2.4 x atmospheric pressure) while minimizing heat.
  2. ​As a result of the supercharger’s efficiency, no large, heavy inter-cooler was required to cool the compressed air.
  3. ​The supercharger was designed to match the engine, allowing high-efficiency operation over a wider range of conditions that could not be provided by a typical supercharger.

  1. The complex shape of the impeller is 3D machined from forged aluminum for high precision & durability.
  2. The impeller spins at 9.2x speed of the crankshaft, reaching speeds of nearly 130,000 rpm, pumping a capacity of over 200 liters of air per second into the engine.

  1. Designed using technology from KHI’s Aerospace Company, the planetary gear is incredibly compact & efficient at transferring power.
  2. ​The planetary gear runs off power from the crankshaft, driving the impeller (via a “step-up” gear) to incredibly high rpm.


  1. The engine was painstakingly crafted to endure the extreme stress from the power created by a supercharger.
  2. The precision-honed combustion chamber is complemented by a flat piston crown inspired by technology from KHI's Gas Turbine & Machinery Company that helps prevent detonation. 
  3. Assist & slipper clutch offers light clutch pull and minimizes rear wheel chatter caused by aggressive downshifting.


Surrounding the Ninja H2R motorcycle’s high-output engine are a multitude of premium, high-performance components, selected specifically for unmatchable performance at track speeds.

  1. Commonly found in high-performance racing machines, the dog-ring transmission allows for effortless, short shifts. ​
  2. Rather than shifting gears into place, the gears in this configuration stay in place, with the lightweight dog rings moving to engage the gears.
  3. A high-precision hydraulic clutch features Brembo® components for smooth actuation & top performance.

  1. New Ohlins® TTX36 rear shock offers precise damping for enhanced traction, comfort and feedback to the rider.
  2. New remote shock preload adjuster makes it easy to adjust settings without tools to suit rider preference.
  3. The KYB® AOS-II (Air-Oil-Separate) low friction cartridge fork offers superb action ; initial stroke is smooth & compliant followed by progressive damping through the end of the stroke. 
  4. The front fork is fully adjustable for compression & rebound damping, as well as preload.

  1. New Brembo® clutch lever & front brake lever are designed to prevent wind force from engaging the levers while at higher speed.
  2. Top-shelf Brembo brake components tuned specifically for powerful and progressive braking response.
  3. In the front, 2 massive 330mm Brembo semi-floating discs are gripped by dual radial-mount Brembo monobloc calipers for superb braking force.
  4. In the rear, a 250mm disc provides strong braking performance.


  1. The lightweight cast aluminum wheels were designed specifically for the Ninja H2R & were created using analysis from Kawasaki's World Superbike team. 
  2. The star-pattern 5-spoke wheels offer optimum rigidity for high-power performance.
  3. The Ninja H2R comes equipped with a massive 200mm rear tire that transmits power to the ground.


Key enhancements bring Kawasaki Racing Team (KRT) World SBK championship-proven electronics management technology to the Ninja H2R. This results in precise chassis orientation awareness that assists riders' ability to adapt  to a wide range of closed-course riding conditions.​

  1. Compact IMU enables inertia along 6 Degrees of Freedom to be monitored.
  2. Acceleration along longitudinal, transverse and vertical axes, plus roll rate & pitch are measured.
  3. The yaw rate is calculated by the ECU using Kawasaki’s proprietary dynamic modeling software
  4. This next-level system enables predictive and adaptive electronics for precise chassis orientation awareness.

  1. Whereas many competitive traction control systems react to wheel-slip, this IMU-enhanced feedback version of KTRC predicts conditions & acts before slippage exceeds the range for optimal traction.
  2. When turned on, riders can choose from 9 modes, allowing riders to choose the degree in which each mode intervenes during riding. Riders may also elect to turn the system off.
  3. Modes 1-6 are optimized for track conditions & Modes 7-9 for “street-like” conditions.

  1. 3-mode KLCM provides unmatchable acceleration from a stop by electronically controlling engine output to minimize rear wheel-slip and front end lift.
  2. ​Kawasaki Launch Control Mode allows the rider to launch from a stop with the throttle held wide open.

  1. The Öhlins® electronic steering damper adjusts damping based on a number of inputs.
  2. At lower speeds, damping is lessened. As speed increases, steering damping increases for optimal performance.

  1.  New for 2017 the KQS now enables clutchless downshifts for quick & smooth deceleration.
  2. Complementing the engine’s strong power and the dog-ring transmission, a contactless-type quick shifter enables quick upshifts for seamless acceleration.


  1. ​New IMU enabled Kawasaki Intelligent anti-lock Brake System (KIBS) is a supersport-grade high-precision multi-sensing ABS brake assistance system.
  2. Uses high-precision control to modulate brake pressure during sport riding.

  1. This system allows riders to set engine braking according to preference.
  2. ​When the system is activated, the engine braking effect is reduced, providing less interference when riding on the circuit.


The Ninja H2R motorcycle design projects intense force becoming  a product of functional beauty. Each and every angle, from the carbon-fiber wings to the front fender, is designed to contribute unprecedented performance and style.

  1. ​New carbon-fiber vortex down control wings, designed by KHI’s Aerospace Division feature angled winglets to help smooth airflow around the wingtips, so that the wings can effectively create downforce.
  2. ​Compact side cowls and under cowls designed to assist with heat dissipation.
  3. ​Highly rigid carbon-fiber upper cowl & aerodynamically shaped rear cowl helps efficiently direct airflow to reduce resistance.
  4. ​A chin spoiler on the upper cowl is also function disguised in form, further contributing to downforce generation & higher stability.
  5. ​Carbon-fiber 2-blade lower wings create additional downforce for exceptional performance at high speeds.


  1. The trellis frame provides the strength to harness the incredible power of the supercharged engine & the balanced flex to achieve optimal rigidity & pliability for aggressive sport riding.

  1. Developed by KHI, the Mirror Coated Matte Spark Black paint of the fuel tank, fairing and seat cowl is one of a kind.
  2. ​The multi-layer composite paint includes a layer of pure silver formed by a chemical reaction, creating the mirrored effect.
  3. ​In the shade, the dark base coat shows through the silver for a deep, 3D appearance. In the sun, the silver creates a brilliant metallic effect.

  1. Reserved only for models of historical significance, the iconic Kawasaki River Mark is featured prominently on the front cowl.
  2. The River Mark dates back to the earliest days of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. & has been used on select motorcycle models since the 1960s.

  1. New bank angle display and max bank angle-recording function.
  2. Multi-function Meter - Digital LCD screen with black/white reverse display & an analogue-style tachometer.
  3. ​Display functions include: digital speedometer, gear position indicator, odometer, dual trip meters, current mileage, average mileage, fuel consumption, coolant temperature, boost indicator, boost (intake air chamber) temperature, stopwatch (lap timer), clock & the Economical Riding Indicator.
  4. ​Tachometer design uses an actual needle enhanced by backlit rpm numbers that illuminate to chase the tachometer needle as it moves around the dial.

  1. Bright, compact LED headlamps are positioned low to evoke the image of a predator’s fangs.
  2. ​Elegant LED taillight/brake light is flanked by surface-emitting LED position lamps.
  3. ​LED rear turn signals featuring an inner lens, surface texturing & surface-emitting LEDs contribute to the bike’s high-tech image.



Tuesday 28 February 2017


When I was a kid, people would constantly speak in admiration of those who were excellent in whatever they were doing. These could be students who achieved academic excellence, successful business people, top athletes, celebrities & so on. Envy aside, no one ever spent any time to think about why or how they were excellent. It was seemingly natural for most to just accept that certain people were meant for excellence while others weren’t.

If you have ever looked at the achievements of others and thought “Wow, if only I can do that..!”, or if you have ever wished that you can perform better, earn more money, make more friends, have better health, achieve higher level of success & so on, here’s the holler-out to you : "you are capable of all of that. Everyone has all the potential in the world to do whatever it is they dream of or want"

Following these key principles of personal excellence will go a long way in bringing you to excellence :

Step 1 : Dream it
Everything begins in the heart & mind. Every great achievement began in the mind of one person. They dared to dream & to believe that it was possible. Take some time to allow yourself to ask What if..?” think big. Don’t let negative thinking discourage you. You want to be a dreamer. Dream of the possibilities for yourself, your family & for others. If you had a dream that you let grow cold, re-ignite the dream..! Fan the flames. Life is too short to let it go.

Step 2 : Believe it.
Yes, your dream needs to be big. It needs to be something that is seemingly beyond your capabilities. But it also must be believable. You must be able to say that if certain things take place, if others help, if you work hard enough, though it is a big dream, it can still be done. Good example : A person with no college education can dream that he will build a $50 million-a-year company. That is big, but believable. Bad example : That a 90-year-old woman with arthritis will someday run a marathon in under three hours. It is big all right, but also impossible. She should instead focus on building a $50 million-a-year business & she better get a move on..!

Step 3 : See it.
The great achievers have a habit. They see things. They picture themselves walking around their CEO office in their new $25 million corporate headquarters, even while they are sitting on a folding chair in their garage headquarters. Great free-throw shooters in the NBA picture the ball going through the basket. PGA golfers picture the ball going straight down the fairway. World-class speakers picture themselves speaking with energy & emotion. All of this grooms the mind to control the body to carry out the dream.

Step 4 : Tell it.
One reason many dreams never go anywhere is because the dreamer keeps it all to himself. It is a quiet dream that only lives inside of his mind. The one who wants to achieve their dream must tell that dream to many people. One reason : As we continually say it, we begin to believe it more & more. If we are talking about it then it must be possible. Another reason : It holds us accountable. When we have told others, it spurs us on to actually doing it so we don’t look foolish.

Step 5: Plan it.
Every dream must take the form of a plan. The old saying that you get what you plan for is so true. Your dream won’t just happen. You need to sit down, on a regular basis & plan out your strategy for achieving the dream. Think through all of the details. Break the whole plan down into small, workable parts. Then set a time frame for accomplishing each task on your dream plan.

Step 6 : Work it.
Boy, wouldn’t life be grand if we could quit before this one..! Unfortunately the successful are usually the hardest workers. While the rest of the world is sitting on their sofas watching reruns of Gilligan's Island, achievers are working on their goal achieving their dream. I have an equation that I work with : Your short-term tasks, multiplied by time, equal your long-term accomplishments. If you work on it each day, eventually you will achieve your dream. War and Peace was written, in longhand, page by page.

Step 7 : Enjoy it.
When you have reached your goal & you are living your dream, be sure to enjoy it. In fact, enjoy the trip too. Give yourself some rewards along the way. Give yourself a huge reward when you get there. Help others enjoy it. Be gracious and generous. Use your dream to better others. Then go back to No. 1 & dream a little bigger this time..!